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09 Oct 2023, by Rights Connect Admin

Cybercrime Act 2015 of Tanzania: Pornography (Part 13)

In this segment, we address an issue that holds significant societal importance: Section 14 of the Cybercrime Act, which pertains to pornography. This provision seeks to establish guidelines regarding the dissemination of explicit material in the digital sphere. Let's delve into the specifics.

Unpacking Pornography Laws:

Section 14 sets out strict regulations concerning the publication of pornography through computer systems or any other information and communication technology. It encompasses both general pornography and material that is deemed lascivious or obscene.

The Role of Responsible Digital Citizenship:

As we engage with the digital world, it is imperative that we uphold principles of respect, decency, and consent. Section 14 stands as a reminder that our actions online, particularly concerning explicit content, carry legal weight.

A Practical Scenario:

Consider a situation where an individual deliberately publishes explicit material through a computer system or any other digital means. Such actions fall within the purview of Section 14. It serves as a legal safeguard against the unregulated spread of explicit content, emphasizing the need for responsible digital behavior.

Confronting the Penalties:

Violation of Section 14 is met with stern penalties. In the case of publishing general pornography, the convicted party may face a fine of not less than twenty million shillings, imprisonment for a minimum of seven years, or both.


Cybercrime Act of 2015, Edition 3

Real-world examples inspired by documented cybercrime cases

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