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09 Oct 2023, by Rights Connect Admin

Cybercrime Act 2015 of Tanzania: User Identity Crimes (Part 14)

Today, we explore Section 15 of the Cybercrime Act, which is dedicated to preventing identity-related crimes. This section is crucial in safeguarding individuals from impersonation and fraudulent activities in the digital sphere. Let's delve into the details.

Understanding Identity Impersonation:

Section 15 emphasizes that no person should, through the use of a computer system, impersonate another individual. This provision aims to ensure that our online interactions are authentic and that we can trust the identities of those we communicate with.

A Hypothetical Scenario:

Consider a situation where an individual, using a computer system, impersonates someone else, potentially causing harm or engaging in fraudulent activities. Such actions, if found to be in violation of Section 15, can lead to severe legal penalties. It is essential to promote genuine and honest interactions in our digital spaces.

Exploring the Penalties:

For those found guilty under Section 15, the penalties are substantial. Offenders may face a fine of not less than five million shillings or three times the value of the undue advantage received, whichever is greater. Additionally, imprisonment for a term of not less than seven years may be imposed, or both.


Cybercrime Act of 2015, Edition 3

Real-world examples inspired by documented cybercrime cases

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