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09 Oct 2023, by Rights Connect Admin

Cybercrime Act 2015 of Tanzania: Child Pornography (Part 12)

In this segment, we confront a deeply distressing but critical aspect of cyber law: Section 13 of the Cybercrime Act, which deals with child pornography. This section holds paramount importance in protecting the innocence and well-being of our children. Let's delve into this critical provision.

Understanding Child Pornography:

Section 13 unequivocally prohibits the publication or facilitation of access to child pornography through a computer system. This provision serves as a crucial deterrent against the heinous act of exploiting and abusing children through digital means.

A Call to Protect the Vulnerable:

Leaders, policymakers, and advocates play a pivotal role in combating child pornography. By ensuring the strict enforcement of Section 13, we send a resounding message that our society prioritizes the safety and well-being of its youngest members.

A Real-World Scenario:

Imagine a scenario where an individual attempts to disseminate explicit material involving minors through a computer system. Such actions are not only morally reprehensible but also in direct violation of Section 13. This provision serves as a legal bulwark against such acts, offering protection to our most vulnerable.

Confronting the Penalties:

A breach of Section 13 is met with severe consequences. Those found guilty could face a substantial fine, not less than fifty million shillings, or three times the value of the undue advantage received, whichever is greater. In addition to this, they may be sentenced to a minimum of seven years in prison, or both. Furthermore, the convicted party may be required to provide compensation to the individual injured by the offense.


Cybercrime Act of 2015, Edition 3

Real-world examples inspired by documented cybercrime cases

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